The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan (SFSTJ) is honored to host International Symposium on Fiber Science and Technology 2024 (ISF2024), which will be held from 25th to 29th, November 2024 at Kyoto, Japan.
ISF2024 will be held as the commemorative event as its 80th anniversary of SFSTJ, we would believe that ISF2024 will provide a broad scientific and industrial inspiration and insight, and great opportunities of various possible collaboration to global scientists and researchers not only in all fiber and textile fields, but also in biotechnology, nanotechnology, AI/ICT technology and other area.
I would encourage you all to join ISF2024 to share the future drawings of the science and industry of fiber and textile as the era of post COVID19.

Chairperson of the Organizing Committee ISF2024
Yoshinobu TSUJII (President of The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan)