- Submission
Abstract Submission
ATC-16 welcome papers for oral or poster presentation in any sessions listed in Symposium contents.
Oral Presenters in General Session will have 15 minutes for your presentation and 4 minutes for any questions/ discussion.
Only the submission on the web will be accepted.
Topic areas
General Sessions
G1.Fibers and Polymer Materials
G2.Textile Processing and Properties
G3.Chemical Treatments (including Dyeing and Finishing)
G4.Technical Textiles
G5.Smart Textile and Materials
G6.Green Materials and Technology
G7.Fashion and Clothing Science
G8.Managing and Marketing
Special Sessions
S1. New Fiber and Textile Technology after / with COVID-19
S2. Fibers and Textiles contributing Sustainable Development (SDGs)
The guidelines for abstracts submission
- All abstracts must be submitted online after registration (payment of the registration fee)
- Abstract should be written in English within one page of A4 paper.
- Abstract template can be downloaded at here.
- Author should upload a PDF file using the template provided with full paper title, abstract, a list of key words, full contact information (address, email address and phone number) and affiliations of author(s). In case of co-authorship, corresponding author should be identified.
- Please avoid setting up user password and master password in the PDF file.
A PDF file must be smaller than 5MByte.
- Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday, June 27, 2022